I Wrote A Novel
I did it. I wrote a Novel in 30 days with support and encouragement from people at NaNovWriMo. I have my certificate to prove that I am a winner. I have wanted to write a novel since I was first old enough to read one. It has been on my goals list for the past umpteen years. And I finally did it. I'm not saying it's a brilliant novel. I'm not saying that it will be published and become a bestseller. It may sit forever in my desk drawer, but I'll know that I wrote a novel. I am very proud of myself. I can't wait to get started on the next one. But that will have to wait until I finish revising this one and sending it off to get printed as a book. I have a lot of editing to do. I learned how to write a novel as I felt my way along the process. I made tons of mistakes. I figured if I waited to write one until I knew exactly how to do it perfectly, I might never write one. NaNovWriMo seemed a great opportunity to just go for it, dive in and get the deed done. I'm so glad I did it.
I even sort of kept up with my freelancing work. I was late on a couple of deadlines, but I still got perfect evaluations from project directors. My apartment was a disaster and I did no laundry or dishes, but that's nothing new. Neither was the mountain of unopened mail left for me to sort or the pounds of magazines and newspapers to sort and recycle.
It was all well worth it.
Walt Whitman's quote from the preface of "Leaves Of Grass:" A Call To Free, Passionate People
"This is what you shall do: Love the earth and sun and the animals,
despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the
stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants,
argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the
people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown or to any man or
number of men, go freely with powerful uneducated persons and with the
young and with the mothers of families, read these leaves in the open
air every season of every year of your life, re-examine all you have
been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults
your own soul; and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the
richest fluency not only in its words but in the silent lines of its
lips and face and between the lashes of your eyes and in every motion
and joint of your body." - Preface to the 1855 edition of Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass
I have loved Walt Whitman since I first was introduced to him in high school. His poetry is full, authentic, passionate, dangerous and courageous. He is never afraid to be himself and to say exactly what he feels and thinks. Yes, "stand up for stupid and crazy," I'm sure there wasn't a large following behind that exhortation, and yet it is so disarmingly candid and innocent.
"Take off your hat to nothing known or unknown to any man or number of men." Stand tall and proud and be counted as an authentic, noble and proud person who knows who he or she is and need not bow to anyone.
I love it that he asks the readers to "re-examine all you have been told at school or church or in any book." Learn to be an original thinker. Trust your own judgment. Don't believe everything you have been spoonfed. Don't take second-hand information to heart as truth until you have sieved it through your mind for its purity of truth.
"Dismiss whatever insults your soul." It would be fair to guess that some of what insulted Whitman's soul might have been narrow mindedness, judgmentalism, puritanicalness, false morality, hypocrisy, phoniness, bad poetry, hurting the environment, looking down on the common man and the like.
This is only a small part of the long preface. In it he writes about his love for the United States of America and his love for poetry that sings. He says about poetry:
"The poems distilled from other poems will probably pass away. The coward will surely pass away." How accurate his views. Whitman's poetry is still powerful because he had the courage to show his whole authentic self in his poems. His poems were as unique and as original as he was. The imitators' poetry we do not still study in high school and college classrooms.
To me this quote is electric in its vibrancy and power. It rings with the truth of a man's heart and soul. It is a prayer for every man, woman and child. It is a spiritual meditation on originality, art, nature, simplicity, simple people, the poor, God, the uneducated, mothers with families, and for our human frailties and strengths.
Author Notes
Walter Whitman (May 31, 1819 - March 26, 1892) was an American poet, essayist, journalist, and humanist. Proclaimed the "greatest of all American poets" by many foreign observers a mere four years after his death, he is viewed as the first urban poet. He was a part of the transition between Transcendentalism and Realism, incorporating both views in his works. His works have been translated into more than twenty-five languages. Whitman is among the most influential and controversial poets in the American canon. His work has been described as a "rude shock" and "the most audacious and debatable contribution yet made to American literature."

The 11th annual 101 Best Websites for Writers is out courtesy of Writers Digest. Hooray for them. This year they say they went through 2,700 nominations and got the best of the bunch for the listing. This year's list features more blogs and free market listings than in previous years. There are eight sections: Creativity and Challenges, General Resources, Agent Blogs, Publishing Resources, Jobs and Markets, Writing Communities, Genres/Niches and Fun for Writers. It's easier than ever to scan for what you're looking for--blogs, chatting, critiques, classes/workshops, contests, forums, jobs, markets, e-newsletters, podcasts and content for young writers.


"Most folks are about as happy as they make their minds up to be." --Abraham Lincoln
That quotation is often repeated because there is such profound truth in it. What mood did you make up your mind to be in when you woke up today? The vicissitudes of life come and go and life goes on. Why not decide today to let it flow on for better?
Here are ten great ways you can lift your spirits right now, today. The only thing that can stop you from feeling alive and at one with the universe is you. Don't get in your way today and you can be euphoric.
#1. Begin this day on a positive note of gratitude. Get a notebook and a pen and your morning coffee or tea. Now write down everything you are taking for granted this very moment that you are truly grateful for when you think about it.
"Just think how happy you would be if you lost everything you have right now, and then got it back again."--Frances Rodman
When you finish with today's gratitude, start on yesterday's.
"Happiness is what happens to us when we try to make someone else happy."--Tom Bodett
#2. By now you should be ready to give a little back. Think real hard about who you can reach out to today. Is there an invalid in the neighborhood? Is anyone you know in a nursing home or hospital? Bet they'd like a visit from you. Bet that neighbor who has given up driving would appreciate a visitor popping in to ask if she needs anything from the store or if she would like her lawn mowed. There are so many things you can do for others. Go ahead. It will make your whole day.
"We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about."
#3. Do you remember how to be enthusiastic? The next thing you should do is take a trip to a local playground. Watch those kids. Did you ever see such enthusiasm over playing on swings, slides, and teeter-toters? How do we manage to lose all that zest for life as the years go by? We should study at their feet.
"Personally, I experience the greatest degree of pleasure in having contact with works of art. They furnish me with happy feelings of an intensity such as I cannot derive from other realms."--Albert Einstein
#4. When was the last time you spent a few hours just strolling through an art museum? You think you know what you like or don't like, but today is a new day. You may fall in love with a painter or sculptor that you never even imagined before. Stay until you find a work of art that brings tears to your eyes because it is so uncommonly beautiful.
"A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes."--Albert Einstein
#5. Use your new attitude to appreciate the beauty of nature. If you live in a city of any size there should be a zoo. a children's museum or some place that has a living butterfly collection. (If you live in a rural area, you know where to go.) Google butterflies, grab your camera and go.
"Act as if you were already happy and that will tend to make you happy." -- Ernie Banks
# 6. What kind of artist were you going to grow up to be? If you're not already an artist, it's time to get out the wood-working tools, paints, paper and pen (or computer) whatever. Write a poem, story or song about your happy day. Build a birdhose. Paint a picture of how the butterflies made you feel. You'll think of something if you let yourself.
#7. Prepare a dinner fit for nobility. If you don't cook, go to a nice restaurant. You deserve it.
#8. Put something on the CD player that all of you will respond to. Don't be surprised if it's something classical and you normally listen to rock. Make up your own dance.
#9. Call a friend to tell them about your extraordinarily joyous day. Invite them to hear about it while you go for a moonlight walk. The night air will feel wonderful and your body will thank you for the exercise.
#10. It's bedtime and you managed to keep your spirits high. Now complete the day by finding an uplifting. inspirational book. Or maybe you'd like some good laughs. Get a book by somebody who's genuinely funny and laugh yourself to sleep. Then have exotic and sweet adventures all night long in your dreams.
The next day repeat with variations.
"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."--Dale Carnegie



Help is on the way. There are beauty products that really do work that can help you look at least ten years young and this article will tell you what they are. First off, the problem of sagging skin, wrinkles, fine lines and skin that just looks old. Is it inevitable with age or can we do something about it? Big name products sell well because of advertising, but they often don't really do much.
One thing that will knock off years for sure is healthier looking, whiter teeth. Get a good tooth whitener and give it a go. You will attract compliments right away.
What else do we know that works for sure? The secret to youth is collagen. Collagen is the key to skin that ages well. And the product that researchers have proven works to generate collagen is Retin-A or AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acids).
Of course, we should all know by now that the number one way to keep collagen from breaking down is to avoid the sun at all costs. Dermatologists continue to warn us that up to 90 percent of wrinkles, dark spots and sun damage are caused by sun exposure. You must use sunscreen regularly. The best sunscreen in the world? LaRoche-Posay Anthelios XL, dermatologists tout it. It has a chemical called "Mexoryl" that is well-known for protecting skin from UVB rays.
However, if the damage is done, there are some products you can try. Vitamin A (retinoid) creams. These will prevent wrinkles or keep them from worsening. Look for products containing vitamin A like prescription Retin-A, Differin or Renova. Used nightly, these creams stimulate collagen renewal. They prevent skin cells from breaking down. Your skin is extra susceptible to sun damage while using these creams, so make sure you don't go out without sunscreen.
Alpha-hydroxy acids or microdermabrasion is good if you're in your mid-30's and worried about wrinkles. Try exfoliating once a week with alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA's) or a microdermabrasion kid. Don't overdue it. Make sure it's in a creamy base.
AHA's are glycolic or lactic acid formulated to increase collagen in sun-damaged skin. They will also reduce blotchiness, fine lines, redness and reduce pore size. Recommend MD Skincare Alpha Beta Daily Face Peel ($68 for 30 applications at Sephora.)
For crow's feet you need a retinoid wrinkle reducer that hydrates. Recommend MD Forte Skin Rejuvenation Eye Cream or Estee Lauder Perfectionist Power Correcting Patch.
Then throw on a nice dark denim (not light, makes you look older) pair of jeans and hit the town.
There are a lot of different anti-wrinkle creams sold, some with "secret" ingredients that sound exotic and hike up the price quite a bit. What's known to work is Retin-A, retinoid wrinkle reducer that hydrates for the eyes, antioxidants and moisture creams. That's pretty much the basics of your full artillery programs. Things you read about movie stars using like bird poop and fetuses, just fall into that secret, but not necessarily effective ingredient category.
If you've been good about using sunscreen then you have reason to rejoice. If you haven't, you can still try the retin-A creams. And the thing about cosmetic surgery is that it is being done in epidemic proportions almost forcing you to consider it at some point. In 2007 there were 11.7 million cosmetic procedures done. That's a 457 percent increase since 1997. If everyone around you is having procedures and you're not, it's like you've aged ten years. You're the athlete who's playing by the rules. The others are using appearance-enhancing drugs, you might say.
How to make your age recede as an issue? Is your posture good? Are you in good physical shape? Is your hair nicely cut and styled? Are you wearing current clothing? Are your teeth white enough? People will forgive you a lot if the like you. You don't have to work on your appearance so much as blind people to your flaws. Do for others. Look out for others. Give to others. They won't be judging your looks. Accept yourself inside and out.
Perhaps the best advice is to find things you're interested in and that you enjoy. Don't spend all of your time fretting in front of the mirror or having work done or recovering from work. Don't waste hundreds of dollars or thousands of dollars every year on creams that don't work. Get out and explore new things. Take the focus off of how you look. Accept that you'll never look 25 again. Age in a graceful way. Be interested in what you do and be happy. People complain that once they hit a certain age they are invisible. If you just smile at people when you're talking to them, they're really happy to talk to you.
Henry David Thoreau:
None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm.



It was hard to be a seventh grader in Catholic School and be as wild as you want to be, but I gave it my best shot. My peak achievement, I suppose, was coming razor-thin close to getting expelled. That happened because the nuns took the class downtown (Chicago) to watch a boring old war movie ("The Longest Day"--and it really was).
Anyhow about fifteen minutes into the movie, my friend, Joan Ryan, and I sneaked out of the theater to go pick up sailors we'd seen when we were going into the show. We had a much, much better day than our goodie-goodie classmates I can tell you. Too bad though we were embarrassed in front of the sailors on account of being in our queer old uniforms. What can a girl do? Light up another cigarette so you have some semblance of looking cool, that's what. We lost track of time, not that we were wearing watches or knew when the damn movie was getting out anyhow.
By the time we sashayed our little plaid butts around the corner and down the street back to the theater, the entire seventh grade and all its nuns were boarded on two buses waiting for us. "Way to go, Joan" I tell her. She's cool, putting out a fag like nothing is going on. Well, all the talk was about expulsion for the rest of the week. I enjoyed the week at home watching daytime television while Mom and Dad were at work. They weren't as upset as you might think since they were both alcoholics and didn't pay a lot of attention to the everyday family problems. As long as they had a bottle at the end of the day, everything in their world was just peachy.
Joan's mother was a big muckety-muck with the PTA. She was always running up to the school to help out the nuns. It was the least she could do I figured. She had nine kids in the damn school. Anyhow, Joan heard from her Mom that the nuns were cooling down now. The talk was drifting from expulsion to separating the two of us. That wasn't such great news since there were only two seventh grade classrooms: the bright class that we were in and the remedial class still reading aloud like molasses moving down the side of the jar. I had a feeling that I would get the worst of it with Joan's Mom being an Altar and Rosary Lady and every other damn thing up at that church and school.
My parents had never put in an appearance. I would be easy to sacrifice, and I could count on no parents running up to the school to complain that it was totally unfair. Hell, it was totally unfair. I made better grades than Joan. But the next six months found me living in some of the slowest time outside of the state penitentiary. I swear it took one year for those kids to read a paragraph, and I was trapped in my seat with nothing to do but stare at the page.
I'd already been caught reading James Bond books underneath my Scholastic Reader. Seventh grade was turning out to be the biggest yawn imaginable. I almost lost interest in being a rebel. One afternoon I had to set my bus pass on fire just to prove to myself that I still had the stuff. I think my protest was vaguely about how I didn't want to have to carry a little card to ride the bus or some such crap that makes no sense to me now. So as if things weren't bad enough, now I had to walk back and forth to school every day in the heat and in the cold. But lunch time was good. Our class had the same lunch time as the smart kids so I got to see some of my old friends, flirt with some boys and hang out with Joan.
I was supposed to stay right there and hang out on the playground after eating, but Joan lived nearby and one day she talked me into sneaking over to her house. It was an experience. All her nine brothers and sisters were there. It was like something out of an insane asylum movie: Snake Pit II: The Suburbs.
That was the day I was shattered to learn that the whole damn family was ten times wilder than I could ever dream of being. The funny thing was all the weird stuff that went on happened while the non-working mother was home. I looked at Joan's Mom closely and realized I was only seeing her shell. The real woman was far, far away. I guess having nine kids will do that to a person.
Anyhow, we get in the house and her brother Jimmy heads straight for the phone.
"Check this out," Joan says, lighting up a cigarette right there in front of her mother. In fact she had taken one of her mother's fags from her pack
"He's calling the convent," she tells me while blowing smoke out of her nose. "He does it every day.
I hear Jimmy on the phone, "Yeah, hello, is this the convent? I want to know what you wear under those fucking habits and I want to know now." He's laughing a little but we were laughing more. "Do you wear special nun underwear? I want to know if it's black and sexy, or if it comes down to your knees and has crucifixes on it." He has made his voice so deep it's funny in itself. Joan's Mom comes into the room.
"Hurry up, Jimmy. I need to make a call." That's all she has to say, and she leaves.
He finally hangs up, the nuns were staying on the line for some reason, and Joan's sister, Molly, picks up the phone and orders a pineapple pizza. I hate pineapple pizza so I stop paying much attention until I hear her tell the pizza place to deliver it to the Sisters of St. Joseph and she gives the convent's address. These kids don't play, I think. I get up to go use the bathroom, but I have to come right out again.
. "Joan, there's a loaf of unwrapped white bread soaking in the toilet," I scream.
"Oh, that Johnny. He's going to get it this time. Hey, Molly, where's Johnny? I'm not putting my hands in the toilet."
Then she turns to me, "Just pee on it, Mare.. It's just bread." She sounds kind of bored like this happens all the time. I watch her sneak and grab her Ma's purse and sure enough she grabs a ten-spot out of her wallet. Her Mom never glances over from where she's sitting smoking in the kitchen.
"Let's say we go out after school, huh, kid," she says to me with a wink. Joan's sister, Maggie, the polite one, comes over to me.
"Did you have any lunch?" she asks sweetly. "We've got some okay cereal you can have." I realize I am hungry.
"That would be great, Maggie," I say.
We go join her Mom at the kitchen table. Maggie hands me a box of Cocoa Puffs. Someone has written really bad swear words all over the box about how rank the cereal is. "Fuck this shit" it reads where it should say "Cocoa Puffs". Joan's Mom doesn't seem to notice as we pass the box in front of her nose. I can't help but laugh.
Just then the Dad comes home for lunch. I smell booze on his breath. I guess he starts even earlier in the day than my parents. He is full of wide smiles on his bright red face. He greets each one of us broadly, patting me on the head and calling me Joanne, the name of one of the other kids. It must be hard when you have so many kids. We eat our cereal while he drinks a beer. Maggie reaches over and gulps down half of it.
Then it is time to leave the nut house, surrender my unofficial title as the wildest girl in the seventh grade, and head back to school to spend another couple of years at my desk that afternoon. Boy, I had a dull home life--even with my parents parking in the front lawn most nights.


"If you follow your bliss," Joseph Campbell* said, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there a while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. When you can see that, you begin to meet people who are in your field of bliss, and they open doors to you. I say, follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be."
Oprah Winfrey also is a big believer in people establishing new careers by following their bliss and she is a perfect example of the theory herself. People who love what they do, do it well, and are well rewarded for doing it. Life is far too short to stay stuck in a dead-end job collecting a pay check and being unhappy.
We were all given talents. Many of us lost our belief in our gifts because they weren't encouraged when we were children. We may have lost them by feeling inferior and unworthy as a result of thoughtless criticism from teachers or even parents.
We are not supposed to hide our light under a basket. We need to free ourselves-to return to our childhood exuberance and become the very one we truly are. George Eliot wrote, "It is never too late to be what you might have been."
It really is never too late. We have only to get in touch with our spiritual side. But then as the philosopher Teilhard de Chardin wrote, "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience." It is only that we let our human side, our ego, our lesser self, get in the way of the spiritual self we are created to be. That being is not motivated by fear and resentment but by love.
How do we get in touch with our higher self? Many religious people are not spiritual. Also, many spiritual people are not religious. If you can formulate a concept of a power greater than yourself that you are comfortable with, that is a great start. If you already have one, so much the better.
Begin tuning into the spiritual simply by being still and quiet. We cannot hear the small voice within each of us that directs and guides when we are noisy and all over the place jumping from one activity to the next. Slow down.
Then begin to meditate. Any meditation method will do. Just still the body and mind so the spirit can come through. Focus on the breaths. Take in deep breaths and watch each go in and out. If you think a thought don't be discouraged, just watch it float over you like a cloud and say "Thought." You will notice an improvement in your well-being and in your life almost immediately once you start a discipline of regular meditation.
Pray. Even if you aren't sure who, if anyone, is out there, act as if. Talk to this entity, perhaps beginning by saying, "Hey, I don't even know if you're there, but if you are will you show me the way home."
Begin to notice the increased coincidences in your life. Coincidences, they say, are just miracles God doesn't sign his or her name to. Things will begin to change in your life. Something, call it the universe, is trying to get your attention and miraculous events are taking place more often the more you notice them and wonder what message you are supposed to take from them.
Then all things become possible. If our lives are based on love rather than fear, we can no longer show up just to collect a paycheck because we think that's what we're supposed to do in life according to the way we were brought up. A new career direction may begin to reveal itself to you. A life transformation might start with quitting a much-hated job.
You can help this process by using your non-physical guides. Who are they? Some believe they are old souls we knew in past lives. Others believe they are the departed souls of friends and family members from this life. But we all have people watching lovingly over us just waiting for a word or sign from you to begin to help directing you. You can ask them questions as you would ask a friend. Ask, "What is my motivation for continuing to stay in the same old dead-end job and what can I do about it?" Then pay attention. Keep an open mind. Say to them, "Help me, please, I lack courage, strength and direction. Guide me. Show me the way." Doors will open that you didn't know were there.
Spiritual awakening has to mean a new direction in your career or a new career because being spiritual means that you cannot conduct business as usual unless you conducted your nine to five life authentically and honestly. You will want to act from a higher ground of love which means honesty, integrity, responsibility and compassion direct our actions. You will not want to work with the notion of "What's in it for me?" anymore and this will change everything.
You can develop your innate psychic abilities to further direct you. Practice re-learning what you were taught to forget as a child. Guess who's on the phone or at the door before you pick it up or open it. Predict what mail you'll be getting that day. Work on empathy. When talking with a friend try to feel what he feels Then state the feelings to him and ask if you are correct. There is nothing weird or odd about psychic abilities. They are gifts that everyone has but let wither from disbelief and not using them.
The more loving and compassionate you become, the more you will be on the path to following your bliss. Far from serving as a permission to anything you will desires goes, instead of selfish pursuits you find that you want to serve. You want to contribute to your community and to the world because your heart is full. This is how we are going to change and save this poor planet-by transforming ourselves one by one. We are evolving as human beings. Can you feel it in the air? More people are choosing freedom to be who they are and do what they really want to do. It always ends in bliss and love.
Following your bliss will put you in touch with the dreams of your real self. Remember that soul? You will find yourself doing things called work that feel more like play. Like Joseph Campbell experienced, invisible hands will reach out and take yours and show you the way to your new life's work.
*Joseph Campbell--American mythologist, writer and lecturer, best known for his work in comparative mythology.


I just found another new market (new to me) for authors not articlers: Orato.com. It, too, is strictly first person stories. They call them news stories, and, do, in fact, prefer stories that have to do with sizzling news taking place right where you the writer were. But they will also publish stories about love breakups and working at Burger King. You can either pitch your story to the editors or self-publish it. You get paid outright, plus there is something called "tips" for the writer at the end of your story where cash tips can be left. Read the guidelines here. I joined up because it seems to be an informative, edgy and fun website for writers and readers.
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