What if you had one minute to answer this question: What do you think you are "supposed" to do before your life is over?
If the answer doesn't spring to mind, or maybe because it does too readily, take some solitary time now and go within and ask and listen deeply.
It probably has nothing to do with money, property, possessions, revenge, becoming famous or the ego's other favorites. Ask your intuition. Ask your heart. Ask your higher consciousness. Ask your soul. Meditate on it. The answer is there and it will come clear as dew on the young spring grass.
If you're just too analytical to trust the answers you carry within, get a pencil and paper and brainstorm a while. Mind map if you like. Knock yourself out. You can't get a Ph.D. in it, have a fortune teller give you the news, or open your horoscope for the day and read it.
On the other hand, it is possible that someone close to you, who knows and understands you, and loves you unconditionally might have some answers for you that you may or may not believe.
Your best bet is to hone in on your own truth because we know what we know and we can believe it is true.
It's simple for many people. It was for me when I asked myself this in a journaling exercise yesterday. I instantly responded "Love." That was it. Before I leave Boot Camp for Souls I hope to have learned my love lessons well. I want to love unconditionally, unselfishly, compassionately, and authentically. I want love to come forth from my being as swiftly and naturally as drawing the next breath or blinking. It should take no time, have no hestitation, succumb to no doubts that slow its progress or make critical judgments about who is worthy. I want to become Love for Love is God and we are all this one God of Pure Love. That is, I believe, what we came here to remember and to practice.
When I consider how slow and unsteady my ability to feel compassion for everyone and anyone, I think I must work on living many more years, because, brother, sister, I have a long way to go.