Anyhow, I only got two replies from my plea. One man strongly suggested that I might want to change my screen name, you know, MsRefusenik. He included a link. I clicked on the link and came to Google's lengthy spread of MsRefusenik's embarrassments, exploits, writings and misadventures. There are something like 437 of them. So I guess it's safe to say that I haven't been a real private person--at least MsRefusenik hasn't been.
But I found the coolest thing while I was scanning what all is there. There are pictures of Refuseniks from all over the world. I was beginning to feel like the only one. No, there must be hundreds. I saved the best ones I saw, and I didn't even even go through them all.
So if you've ever wondered why she (me) calls herself "Refusenik," know now that she is in good company with courageous people.
Here now is a gallery of some of my fellow Refuseniks: