Thursday, October 7, 2010
New UFO video filmed over Rockingham in Western Australia 7-Oct-2010
Latest UFO sightings - We wouldn't want anybody to miss the latest UFO video of unknown object flying in the sky over Rockingham in Western Australia. This footage was recorded on Thursday, 7th October 2010 at 7 pm. It doesn't look like much from here, but I can't put in all the plugins because I have a stupid Linux and you can't even put an Adobe flash in them for some insane reason.
"Witness report: Filmed by Dylan: UFO Captured at 7:00pm in Rockingham Western Australia. UFO sits in one spot and vanishes as I grab the bin so I could put my camera on it to get a better view of the craft" .
I'm guessing that, as usual where these things appear, Rockingham isn't too populated. Those UFO space aliens like to keep a low profile. They never seem to fly over Las Vegas or L.A.
And that and Venus going retrograde about cover the news that's fit to blog. "In the early hours of the morning on October 8th Venus stations retrograde (backwards) to begin her long journey into the underworld. From October 24th until November 4th Venus completely disappears from the evening sky, and this is the time of the mythological story of Inanna and Erishkigal. The goddess Venus is symbolically stripped of her adornments and left as just a hanging skeleton of bare bones- she gains the strength of Saturn which is committment and integrity." Read more of Venus's interesting history here:
I'm guessing that, as usual where these things appear, Rockingham isn't too populated. Those UFO space aliens like to keep a low profile. They never seem to fly over Las Vegas or L.A.
And that and Venus going retrograde about cover the news that's fit to blog. "In the early hours of the morning on October 8th Venus stations retrograde (backwards) to begin her long journey into the underworld. From October 24th until November 4th Venus completely disappears from the evening sky, and this is the time of the mythological story of Inanna and Erishkigal. The goddess Venus is symbolically stripped of her adornments and left as just a hanging skeleton of bare bones- she gains the strength of Saturn which is committment and integrity." Read more of Venus's interesting history here:
Now let's get down to the business of creating a brand, a platform, becoming an expert in your niche writing area(s), whatever you want to call it. I wrote against all that in this blog not long ago, but in my better interests I have changed my mind. God wants me to have a successful career and to be able to get my message of universal love, higher consciousness, and unity or Oneness out to everyone. For that message to travel farther I need to be an expert. I need a platform.
That Kendra Bonnett at Women's Memoirs is such a wonderful writer and reporter. She has already done my work for me and collected, "Lists for Writers: 10 Tips for Building A Writing Platform for Your Memoir, Book or e-book." She has collected what have to be ten of the best lists of things to include for a powerful platform package. Check them out. I'm sure you will find some new ideas. I bet you hadn't considered making audiotapes, giving presentations in your community, and attending book signings to get to know the book movers and shakers in your area.
A writer's platform in case you don't know, is a tool you use to promote yourself and sell your writing. A strong writing platform helps you become an entrepreneur and a marketing whiz without seeming to sell anything.
In our modern technological age, it’s possible and not too difficult to do.
I am in the very early stages of starting the writing of my e-book on how to become an expert in your niche area(s). It is a lot easier than you may think.
There are so many things you can do to improve your status and promote yourself as a source to come to for information on whatever your topic may be. I have made a list of daily goals to work on towards achieving this goal.
There are so many things you can do to improve your status and promote yourself as a source to come to for information on whatever your topic may be. I have made a list of daily goals to work on towards achieving this goal.
For part of today's goal achieving, I looked into joining the Toastmasters Club for my area. It's a step towards being better able to give community and other presentations, teach workshops and classes, and perhaps do public speaking at conferences or conventions. You never know when you will be called upon to speak in front of a large audience and I want to be prepared. Also, Toastmasters provides training in various educational programs such as leadership and communication.
Joining Toastmasters couldn't be easier. Go to Toastmasters: Find A Club and put in your ZIP code and how many miles you are willing to travel. You will then be shown a list of clubs in your area. Click on the link for the one that is closest, and read their information and meeting dates and times. All you need to do is show up at an open meeting, and they are all open, and sign up. There's an initial new member fee of $20, and $27 dues every six months. I for one am not, unlike what some surveys claim about the average American, more afraid of public speaking than skydiving. You won't find me dropping to the ground from on high, but you may catch me giving a talk at my local library on energy medicine.
I previously posted a list of free and low-cost online classes, and you'll want to reconsider these too as you build your expert profile. Many online classes also offer certification units which can come in handy when adding up your credentials for something such as an organization you want to join.
And I hope you are member of LinkedIn. It's one easy way I know of to network with others who share your interests, join groups that reflect your area of expertise, and buff up your credentials with recommendations and links. And if you are looking for a job, a new report gave it high marks for recruiting.

Follow Me
A June 2010 study by Jobvite revealed that 73.3% of surveyed companies turn to social networking sites to recruit and hire new employees. Nearly 60% of companies surveyed for the study also reported having successfully hired a new employee found through social networking websites like LinkedIn and Facebook.
Just don't let LinkedIn push you around, and they can get pushy. They keep shoving my Yahoo address book at me and demanding that I bother more people for connections and recommendations. I try to ease up on that, but one day I must have been in a crazed fog because I received an e-mail from a woman stating that she could hardly recommend me since she didn't even know me. Talk about embarrassing!
I listed myself as an alternative health writer. That's what they call the "headline" of my profile. I can back that up with my current collection of ongoing published articles for an alternative health newsletter. I plan to soon start several online classes in that area including energy medicine, wellness coaching, Reiki, and I'll see what else. Wiki University has a whole alternative and complementary medicine school. I still need to explore more options.
Just remember that everything and anything is possible. Don't set your sites too low. And doors will open when you commit to your plans.
I came across a great quote to this effect today that I had read before. It's from Goethe:
"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), There is one elemental truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision rising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamt would come his way."
If your life isn't progressing as you wish it would, ask yourself, "What am I deeply committed to?" Vague notions or daily goals? Do you lack spiritual discipline? Are you mindful and focused on your goals? Or are you a leaf being tossed by every breeze? The choice is yours. We are the result of our choices.
Journal Exercise: Set the timer and speed write for 20 minutes about everything you are waiting for. (Is it Godot?) Are you waiting for your real life to begin? This is not the dress rehearsal. Be honest. Write fast and get it all down from waiting to find your keys to waiting to go back to school.
"Your daily life is nothing but the expression of your spiritual condition."
--Thaddeus Golas, The Lazy Man's Guide to Spiritual